We can hardly believe that M is 10 months old.
This last month has brought many changes for our sweet girl.
1. 3 teeth now...and still counting or cutting, whichever you choose!
2. Walking...Yes, she is walking. And she is getting really good at it.
She can walk a good 30 steps sometimes without stopping or sitting.
3. She loves when A and R practice cheerleading. She will
bounce and "cheer" right along with them. I wonder where
they got this from?
4. She has sounds she makes that represents A and R's names.
She does not use them all the time, but when she does you know it.
5. She loves music, and loves when A and R sing into their High School Musical
microphones...she gets it and sings into it too.
6. She loves to pull the white tips off of our doorstops and put them in
her mouth. Therefore, if you come to our house and you don't see any,
that is why. We have taken them all off and put them up for now.
7. She goes to bed pretty well, but knows that if she fusses even a little,
you will come back and pick her up. She knows you will stay, too, if
she will only lay her head on your shoulder...so cute...how can one resist?
8. LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the biter biscuits! Yes, the ones that are
really messy and stick like cement to your face (as B says). She
can eat a whole one in about 10 minutes.
9. She is so over baby food. She would rather eat whatever we
are eating. Therefore, I am trying to add in new foods as soon as
I can so that we can have a varitey.
10. She has really gotten into the "play" thing this month. She likes to be
around all of us as much as possible, but she is really getting the hang
of playing alone for short stretches. It is so much fun to watch her
playing with her toys.
We are really enjoying all that each new day brings. God really knew what He was
doing when He chose to bless our lives with another daughter and little sister. We
look forward to many more months of new things. We love you, M!
Love, Mommy, Daddy, A and R
This is so sweet to read, Lib. I wish our kids lived closer. Little girls are precious!
Yes, even Ellie knows some High School Musical as well. It all just cracks me up. I am about to do her 8 month...
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