Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, M!

Time flies when you are having fun....
This is so true, because I have no clue where the last 3 years have gone!
(I am guessing the softball field, but who knows).

Today, Sweet M, you are 3 years old!
I look at you and just cannot believe how big you are getting.
It took us what seemed like forever for you to break 20 pounds, and now
each day seems like you are growing right as I watch you.

You talk non stop and so well. People are really surprised at your age when they hear you speak. They really expect you to be older.

You love your big sisters like nothing else.
You want to be just like them.

Dressing up is your most favorite thing to do (besides eating candy).
You have never met a stranger and you refer to everyone you see as your friend.
(Yes, this does scare me, so I feel like I can never take my eyes off of you).
You love going to school and playing with your friends.
You are STUBBORN...and are refusing to learn to go to the potty.
It is a game of wills at this point and I am not ready to play.
You make us laugh all the time, we never know what to expect you to say!
You love to watch Dora, play with A and R's ITouch,
and snuggle up with me when it is time for bed.
One of your favorite phrases is "I can do it, by my self",
about anything you would rather me not help you do!
And sometimes I let you, but not when we are walking in a parking lot and such!
You cannot wait to be "bigger" so that you can play softball like your sisters.
Mr. Russ and Mr. Jason have already said they are going to help Daddy coach your team
because they don't want to miss you playing for the first time.

You are spoiled and you know it, and the 4 of us just love doing it.
I know that we will likely pay for it one day, but we just cannot help it!
We love you little blue eyed girl.
Happy 3rd Birthday!

Love, Mommy, Daddy, A and R!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday, R!

Each year I gasp at how big my girls are getting. I just cannot believe it!
Today is no different. For so long, R seemed so little to me.
I guess because she is always getting compared to A! It just happens.
Part of me likes that because she still seems so little, but in all reality she is growing right before my eyes.
R is long and lean (I really mean skinny, but lean sounds better, right?).
We have a hard time finding clothes to fit her because she needs lots of length and not much to go around. We even have a hard time with adjustable waist stuff. (Oh how I wish that was my problem).
She is one smart cookie too! She is book smart, but she is also "street" smart.
By that I mean, that the girl just gets stuff. She is quick on her feet, likes a good joke and can understand lots. Stuff that is not really teachable.
This became really clear to us this past Fall watching her play softball. For a 6 year old, she was getting things that were well above what she should have. She could watch a batter line up in the batter's box and just by looking at the girls' feet, R would know where she needed to line up to field the ball better. She was good at watching the runner's out of the corner of her eye and seemed to know where they were at all times. This really helped the day she turned
TWO Unassisted TRIPLE plays! Very cool!
She is LOUD! Just her normal tone is loud and she is that way all day long!
She plays hard, loves hard and makes the most of her days!
She makes friends very easily....everywhere we go! I never have to worry about her not finding something to do!
She loves to snuggle!
She loves to be read to!
She loves barbies, stuffed animals, littlest pet shop and riding her scooter.

I love you R! Daddy and I are so proud of you!
We look forward to what this next year has in store for you!

Happy GOLDEN Birthday!
7 on the 7th born at 7:47pm.
(too bad you didn't weigh 7 pounds...9lbs 4oz just doesn't have the same ring to it)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


I just love this picture of M!
She is so cute in pigtails, however she rarely keeps her hair in a barrett or anything for very long.
I am glad that I snapped this picture, because they were out within a couple of minutes.
I just love this girl!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Celebrating Birthdays at Great~Granddaddy's

We celebrated the girls and one of my nephew's birthdays at my Granddaddy's house this past Sunday! It was quite a time! Remember there are 15 Great~Grandchildren on this side of my family...and yes they were all there! However, I don't have a picture of all of them from this day! Here are the birthday kiddos getting ready to blow out candles.

A, R and cousin B talking and enjoying dessert!
M waiting very patiently for her cupcake and to blow out her candle.
A taking a big breath and making a wish!
Here are most of the cousins...not such a good pic, but you get the point!