Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A and R are playing softball for the first time. They are on the same team, and they are LOVING it! We really were not sure how they would like it, and are quite surprised at how much they do and how well they are catching on to the sport.

Here is A getting ready. She is picking up the game quickly. She is very alert and is ready for action. She does what the coaches tell her to do and is ready to play where they put her.

And getting ready to hit the ball...

R is catching on very quickly, too! Here she is ready for the ball. She is a very good listener on the field. She is also pretty quick. We did not realize just how fast she could run.

Here she is after she hit the ball and is heading toward 1st. Go R!

Of course, B and I are having a blast. M is too! She claps everytime she hears someone else clap. It is so funny to watch her watch them. Although, she would really rather pick up all the trash off the ground and taste it or play on the playground that is 5 feet from the field.

Here are a couple of pictures of her when she found out the girls would talk to her through the fence. She just loved this.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Break 2008

Wow! We have been BUSY this week. We have had so much fun that it is hard to believe it is Friday already. I was wondering why my house was somewhat clean, and then I realized it was because we have hardly been home this week. PHEW!! Of course, I have not taken any pictures, so here is a run down of most of what we have done.
Saturday: out of town for a birthday party and to visit one of my college roommates and her family...6 hours in the car (need I say more)
Sunday: Church, Lunch at my Granddaddy's, A and I back to church for a God and Me class and a Leadership Council meeting (also dinner at Wendy's with some church friends)
Monday: storytime at the library with 2 nephews and lunch at Burger King (don't forget playing in the indoor playplace - it was cold Monday too), made homemade pizza for dinner and had a picnic in the living room floor, A, my sister-in-law and I went to Bath and Body works to use coupons from Jawan and to Target
Tuesday: Grammy took the kiddos to play indoor putt putt at a nearby mall and shopped some, lunch with the gang, played outside, then to Grammy and Granddaddy's to play and eat dinner
Wednesday: errands, play at the park (however it was covered up by daycares and M wanted to go in the lake while my nephew wanted to catch bumblebees, so we decided to come back later), took picnic back to the park for dinner and bread to feed the one tried to get in the lake this time
Thursday: A, R and M pictures made, played outside with cousins M and B, went to some friend's house for dinner and the girls to play the Wii Hannah Montana and High School Musical with their 2 girls, then A and R spent the night with Grammy and Granddaddy and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks and ate popcorn
Friday: garage sale with sister-in-law, and chased the kiddos around trying to keep them out of the road, cooked out with my brother, sister-in-law and M and B.
So far, so good. This is making me need a nap just typing it all and remembering all we have done. However, I have not heard "I'm bored" even once. Two more days and it is back to the routine of school and softball. Only 28 more days of school. I can hardly believe it! Look out summer, we are just getting started.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

One Year Stats

We went for M's One Year check-up yesterday, and all is well, considering she had to get 4 shots.
Here are her one year stats:
Weight: 21 pounds
Height: 30.5 inches
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches
Here is how she compares to her Big Sisters at One:
Weight: 20 pounds 3.2 ounces
Height: 28.75 inches
Head Circumference: 18.75 inches
Weight: 21 pounds 12 ounces
Height: 30.5 inches
Head Circumference: 18 inches
I find it very interesting. A was the smallest at birth and R was the largest by more than a pound. They were all similar in length at birth. A's check-up was on her birthday, R's was 2 weeks after, and M's was 3 days after. Still very they all look similar. I guess I will need to make sure all photos are labeled correctly.