Monday, December 15, 2008

Visiting Santa

We went to see Christmas lights and to visit with Santa a couple of weeks ago.
A and R are such pros at visiting with Santa. M, on the other hand, wanted
NOTHING to do with him. You can see B holding her (to the right of the "Santa helper" who got in the way of the picture). Yeah, the pics are was also pretty dark and you have to stand way back if you are taking your own photo and not purchasing from the company.
Here you can vaguely see B squatting down with M hoping she will warm up.
It was a no-go....maybe next year.

However, A and R told him that they like surprises. They must get that from me....B always tries to find out what he is getting. Not me, I like to be surprised.

HO HO HO, Merry Christmas!

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