On Christmas the girls got up ready for the day.
Well M didn't, we had to coax her out of the bed, but once we did she was ready for the day.
First R and M had to check to see if the reindeer really did eat their food.
They were quite happy to find out that they did.
Here are the girls with the things they got from Santa.
R got a skateboard (although Mommy said no), zoobles, pixos and
lots of fun goodies in her stocking.
A got a backpack purse that she loves, a pottery wheel, a new comforter for her bed,
and lots of cool things in her stocking.
and lots of fun things in her stocking.
Then we opened gifts from each other and ate breakfast.
Grammy and Granddaddy came over to see what the girls got and brought stockings
from their house that Santa left there.
Around 3 we headed to Mimi and Poppa's house for another round of Christmas.
I don't have any pictures from that night. We got in a bit of a rush because snow was in the
forecast, and we all wanted to be able to make it home.
We left around 7 so that we could make it home before too much snow stuck.
We certainly had a WHITE CHRISTMAS.
It was beautiful and we had a great time with our family and friends.
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Thank you for all our many blessings.